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Saturday, November 3, 2012

5 Volleyball Drills (New!)

Volleyball is a sport everyone has played at one time or another and it is a sport that requires practice and endurance.  Today I am concentrating on 5 volleyball drills that will enhance your teams efforts in the sport.  Be sure to stretch well before running these drills. 

The first volleyball drill is a tether ball exercise that increases reaction time.  For this drill you will need a ball, a rope and a pole or post.  Tie one end of the rope to the ball and tie the other end of the rope to the post/pole.  This is a one on one drill so you will need a partner to run it with you.  To begin, you and your opponent will stand on opposite sides of the pole/post.  You will start by hitting the ball around the pole in one direction.  Your opponent will counter by hitting it back in the opposite direction.  You will continue to hit the ball back and fourth to each other until one person misses so much to where the rope ties itself around the pole/post.

The second volleyball drill is a pass and return drill.  Tor this exercise you will need at least one other player.  To begin you will serve the ball to your partner with an underhand like in fig.1.  Your partner will then volley the ball back to you like in fig.2.  You will then volley the ball back to your partner like in fig.3.  Your partner will then return the ball back to you with an underhand like in fig.4.  You will then return the ball back to your partner with an underhand like in fig.5, thereby repeating this drill.  Run this volleyball drill 5 times then relax.

The third volleyball exercise is a serving drill.  For this exercise you will need to hang a tire from a tree.  To begin, throw the volleyball into the air then spike it through the tire.  Do this exercise 10 times then switch arms.  This drill will enhance your serving abilities as well as strengthen your arms when practiced consistently.  To intensify this drill swing the tire then serve the volleyball by striking it through the tire.  Do this exercise 10 times then switch arms.  Again this will enhance your serving abilities.

The fourth volleyball exercise is a pass/spike drill.  You will need a partner for this drill.  To begin your partner will volley the ball to you and you will jump and spike it over the net.  Do this 10 times then switch and let your partner strike the ball.  Doing this exercise consistently will enhance your spiking abilities as well as your teammates.  To intensify this drill hang a tire from a tree then let your partner set you up with a pass and you spike the volleyball through the tire.  Do this exercise 10 times then switch and serve it to your partner.  This is a serious volleyball drill and it will enhance your spiking capabilities when practiced consistently. 

The fifth volleyball exercise is a serve and return drill.  To begin this exercise player 1 will spike the ball over the net to player 2.  Player 2 will then attempt to receive the serve setting up player 3 for a return.  When done consistently this exercise will enhance not only your teams serving abilities but also their receiving, passing and returning abilities.  Run this drill 5 times then rotate positions.  Player 1 will move to receiver, player 2 will move to returning the ball and player 3 will then serve.  To intensify this drill player 1 will serve to player 2.  Player 2 will receive the serve passing it to player 3.  Player 3 will then set up player 2 for a spike return.

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