Baseball is one of my favorite sports. Both to play and to watch however I have yet to write about it so today I want to focus our workout drills around this fantastic sport. Before we start be sure to stretch before doing these exercises.
The first baseball drill I want to talk about is an infielders catching drill. You need 4 players to run this exercise. You need a catcher, 1st baseman, 2nd baseman and a 3rd baseman. The catcher is going to play the batters position as well. To begin the drill the batter who is also the catcher is going to throw a fast ball to the 3rd baseman. Now the 3rd baseman is going to throw a fast ball to the first baseman. Finally, the 1st baseman is going to throw a fast ball to the catcher.
To continue, the batter/catcher is going to throw a fastball to the 2nd baseman, then the 2nd baseman is going to throw a fastball to the 1st baseman. Finally, the 1st baseman is going to throw a fastball to the catcher. From here you can repeat these two catching drills or you can continue.
To continue, the batter/catcher is going to throw a fast ball to the 2nd baseman, then the 2nd baseman is going to throw to the 1st baseman. Now the 1st baseman is going to throw to the 3rd baseman and finally the 3rd baseman is going to throw a fastball to the catcher. Again from here you can repeat these three catching drills or you can continue further.
To continue, the batter/catcher is going to throw a fast ball to the 1st baseman, then the 1st baseman is going to throw a fast ball to the 1st baseman, then the 1st baseman is going to throw a fast ball to the 3rd baseman. Now the 3rd baseman is going to throw to the 2nd baseman then finally the 2nd baseman is going to throw a fast ball to the catcher.
These four catching drills are serious and they are designed to have your players effectively act off instinct. To change it up even more the batter/catcher can throw grounders instead of throwing fast balls.
The second baseball exercise I want to talk about is an outfielders drill. Your outfielders are basically catching fly balls and ground balls. You are going to need an infield and an outfield to run this drill. To begin this exercise your batter is going to hit a ball to the outfielders. The outfielders will then catch it and throw it to the infielders. The infielders will then run one of the infield catching drills that we previously went over. What catching drill the infielders run depends on which baseman the outfielders throw the baseball to. This exercise drill is meant to enhance your players speed and reaction time making their instinct more effective.
The third baseball exercise is a short stop drill. For this exercise you are going to need a full infield including a batter/catcher, a 1st baseman, 2nd baseman, 3rd baseman and of course two short stops. To begin, the batter is going to hit grounders to one of the two short stops. Now the short stop will throw the baseball to either the 1st, 2nd or 3rd baseman. From here your baseman will run one of the infield catching drills that we previously discussed. What catching drill your infield runs will depend on what baseman the short stop threw the baseball to. This short stop drill will enhance your short stops ability to work with your baseman thereby tightening up the infielders game. This is an extremely important baseball drill because your short stops guard the two pockets that keep the ball in play.
The fourth baseball exercise is a catching drill that requires 8 players. 4 regular players and 4 short stops. The 4 regular players are going to stand across from each other so that their area is in the shape of a square. You want to have a good amount of distance between them so they can throw fast balls. Now your 4 short stops are going to stand in between them but position themselves further back. To begin the drill the 4 regular players are going to throw the baseball back and fourth to each other occasionally throwing grounders to the short stops. The short stops are then either going to toss the baseball to one of the players next to them or throw a fast ball to one of the regular players across from them. The short stops should never throw to each other. This is a serious catching drill that will tighten up your whole infield.
The fifth baseball exercise drill is a pitching drill. For this exercise you are going to need to hand a tire from a tree. Now all you are going to do is stand back and pitch the baseball through the tire. Do this baseball/pitching drill consistently and you will enhance your pitching skills.