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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Squats & Calf Presses

The lower part of your body is just as important as the upper part.  Working out your lower back provides your upper body with enough support to grow.  However working out my lower body is often the most difficult out of both areas.  That's why I seperate my upper body workouts into two different cycles giving both the upper and lower regions time to heal. 

Let me first go over squats.  Squats are a mean exercise that workout your upper legs, stomach and lower back.  To begin this exercise, stand with your feet shoulder width apart and put your hands behind your head interlocking your fingers.  Now bend your knees and squat down until you feel your upper legs flex.  You will also feel the buttox muscles get a good stretch as well.  Hold this position for a second then push back up keeping your back straight.  Remember to breathe in on your way down and out on your way up.  Do five sets of these with 10 to 15 squat repetitions in each set.

Another way to perform this workout is by using weights to enhance the exercise itself.

To begin, hold the barbell up to your chest crossing your hands over the barbell.  Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and squat down.  Keeping your back straight and your head up.  Again, you should feel a tense stretch in your upper legs and lower back.  Do 5 to 7 sets of these with 10 to 15 squat repetitions in each set.

After this exercise I suggest going for a run or doing some other type of cardiovascular exercise.  I generally enjoy working out on the speed bag after an intense workout.  I do a half an hour on the speed bag and do another thirty to forty five mins. on the big bag.  I do these two exercises in 10 to 15 min. intervals.  You might want to warm down by doing a little stretch.  Below is a list of stretch exercises that you should do prior to the squats and calf presses:

  •  First sit down on the floor.  With your right leg stretched out tuck your left leg into your thigh then lean forward.  Hold this position for 15 to 20 seconds then release.  Rest for a second then lean forward holding again for 15 to 20 seconds.  Repeat this three or four times then switch legs.  After this stretch put both legs straight out in front of you.  Now lean forward and reach for your toes.  Hold this position for 15 to 20 seconds then release.  Do this stretch three or four times then relax.  

  •  Now for the next stretch spread your legs apart then lean to the right and try to grab your foot.  Hold this position for 15 to 20 seconds then release.  Do this stretch three or four times then switch legs and do the same thing to the left side, stretching and holding again for 15 to 20 seconds.  Do this three or four times then pull your legs together and pull your feet in bending at the knee.  Lean forward and hold this position at the knee.  Lean forward and hold this position for 15 to 20 seconds.  Do this exercise three or four times then relax.
Remember these exercises are extremely important and should be done before any exercise regime.  For a good cardiovascular exercise that will workout your abdominal structure give the punching bag a try.  Visit:  http://myweave.blogspot.com

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