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Showing posts with label stretching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stretching. Show all posts

Sunday, October 18, 2015

What's New in Men's Health?

April and Septembers issues both included an article promoting Foam Rolling.  I wasn't familiar with this exercise so I researched it and figured I'd write a post about it.  It seems when it comes to Self-Myofascial Release (or self massage) foam rolling is the new it.

So what is it?  
A Foam Roller is a foam cylinder of different sizes and densities.  Sizes vary anywhere from 12 to 36 inches and are meant for different muscles you are targeting.  They are inexpensive and provide an effective solution to stretching.

According to Wikipedia this foam rolling is good for a number of muscles including: gastrocnemiuslatissimus dorsipiriformisadductorsquadricepshamstringship flexors, thoracic spine (trapezius andrhomboids), and TFL.

Muscle Structure: The 4 Day Swell (Day 1)

Day  #1
Hello Everyone!

It's been awhile since I've posted because I've haven't been working out.  I've been slacking off drinking and I've even smoked a few cigarettes however with all the energy and motivation I've lost I've come to a point where I felt it was time to make a decision on what was better for me.  So I took in account how I felt and what I look like now compared to what I looked like a few months ago.  I decided that I need to make a noticeable change so I quickly put a plan up and threw up a goal in my head.  4 days of extreme exercising and with it will come extreme change both visibly and in the way we feel.

Now since I havn't been exercising in the last few weeks or so my motivation has fallen quite a bit and my energy was extremely down so please bear with me through these videos.  By the end, we will see noticeable change.

Video 1. ::  Stretching

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Sport Workout: The Neck

Hello everybody!  Today I want to talk about the neck.  I've written exercises that help stretch and strengthen the neck however today I want to go into further detail about the structure itself and follow it up with an extreme exercise that will ultimately help build your neck.  However before we can build up a structure we should understand what that structure consists of.

The neck has 5 main muscles:
  • Cervical
  • Suprahyoid
  • Infrahyoid  (Also known as the "Strap")
  •  Vertebral  (Also known as the "Anterior")
  • Lateral  (larapilo muscle)
Each of these 5 main muscles that make up the neck have their own counter-parts.

The Cervical can be broken down into two muscle parts.  The Platysma and the Sternocleidomastoid.

The Suprahyoid can be broken down into four muscle parts.  The Digastric, Stylohyoid, Mylohyoid, Genionhyoid.

The Infrahyoid (Also known as the "Strap" muscles) can be broken down into four muscle parts.  The Sternohyoid, Sternothyroid, Thyrohyoid, Omohyoid.

The Vertebral (Also known as the "Anterior") can be broken down into four muscle parts.  The Longus Colli, Longus Capitis, Rectus Capitis Anterior, Rectus Capitis Lateralis.

The Lateral  (Also known as the "Larapilo" muscle) can be broken down into four muscle parts.  The Scalene, Anterior, Medius, Posterior.

Everyone of these muscle structures can be strengthened to give us the figure we are looking for.  Now that we understand what muscles the neck structure consists of we can start to build these muscles safely.  Below I have detailed an exercise that is effective because it focuses not only on the muscles main parts but also on the muscles counter-parts.

Let's begin;

First thing you want to do is stand with your feet shoulder width apart with your hands on your hips like in figure A.

Next you want to tilt your head to the left, like in figure B.

Now Rotate your head forward and to the right like in figure C & D.

You should rotate your head in one movement.

Now with your head tilted to the right continue rotating tilting your head back and then to the left ending up back in starting position.  Figure A, B, C, D, E below.

Repeat this stretch 10 to 15 times in one direction and then switch and rotate 10 to 15 times in the other direction.  

The next exercises are focused on strengthening the neck.

 Sport Workout: The Neck