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Sunday, October 18, 2015

What's New in Men's Health?

April and Septembers issues both included an article promoting Foam Rolling.  I wasn't familiar with this exercise so I researched it and figured I'd write a post about it.  It seems when it comes to Self-Myofascial Release (or self massage) foam rolling is the new it.

So what is it?  
A Foam Roller is a foam cylinder of different sizes and densities.  Sizes vary anywhere from 12 to 36 inches and are meant for different muscles you are targeting.  They are inexpensive and provide an effective solution to stretching.

According to Wikipedia this foam rolling is good for a number of muscles including: gastrocnemiuslatissimus dorsipiriformisadductorsquadricepshamstringship flexors, thoracic spine (trapezius andrhomboids), and TFL.

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